Thursday, September 29, 2011

Entertainment News 9/19/2011

In Entertainment news today..

Demi Lovato was on Dancing with the Stars singing her single Skyscraper with her beautiful voice for the second time last night. This performance was different from her last performance where she sang an upbeat and jazzy song. This time she sang something that was more close to the heart and meaningful .. giving the spotlight to two dancers as they danced around ladders. This performance is definately worth the watch!

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher have certainly made headlines this week. Rumors of infidelity have been spreading like wildfire. Neither of the two are saying anything about the allegations, but Ashton tweeted to coyly deny the rumors a song "Don't Believe The Hype" by Public Enemy. So are these two splitting up after over 6 years of marriage?.. We'll have to wait and see.

Mike Myers and wife and wife Kelly Tisdale have just had their first child, a baby boy named Spike. 
Justin Bieber to Duet with Usher on upcoming Christmas Album! 
Justin Bieber has made it very clear: he'll be teaming up with mentor Usher for at least one song on his upcoming Christmas CD.
“just finished a late nt in the studio for the christmas album…it is OFFICIAL…my big bro @UsherRaymondIV is on the album with me! #EPIC (sic)” Justin Tweeted this week.
No release date has been announced for the album yet, but Billboard might as well save a spot at number-one for Justin some time this winter.
Other artists rumored to be collaborating with Bieber on it include The Band Perry, Boyz II Men, Taylor Swift and Sean Kingston.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 11, 2001

This coming Sunday will be the 10 year anniversary of the tragic terrorist attacks that happened on September 11, 2001; the bombing of the World Trade Center's Twin Towers in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington DC. Although I was very young when the attack happened, it seems like yesterday that the world was caught in havoc and utter shock. On the morning of September 11th, 19 al-Quaeda terrorists hijacked four passenger jets. The hijackers crashed into both towers of the World Trade Center just minutes apart, and they both burned to the ground within two hours. Soon after the towers were hit, five hijackers crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37 am. The total number of deaths due to these terrorist attacks was 2,977. I couldn't even imagine the sadness and devastation the families of the victims have endured. I was in the fourth grade on this day ten years ago, and my school had our parents pick us up early. I remember watching the news with my parents that day and seeing those huge towers burn to the ground. Many people i knew lost at least one person who was in those towers. My dad lost a good friend and co-worker who had a wife and four young children. Although ten years has passed, Sunday is going to be a very sad day for New York.  

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Many people today are still recovering from the damage of Hurricane Irene that hit the Atlantic just last week. Irene formed on August 20, 2011 and dissipated August 29, 2011. The hurricane made its path through the Caribbean all the way to the United States East Coast. As Irene came closer and closer to hitting the East Coast, people started evacuating and taking serious precautions. I was at school and heard about Hurricane Irene through the news and media. Iona informed us through e-mial about the storm and that we should stay in the dorms starting Saturday evening. My room mates and I stocked up on food, water,candles and flashlights before the storm hit. On Saturday August 27th, the Hurricane hit New Rochelle and the entire East Coast around midnight and lasted until Sunday afternoon. Although we didn't lose power at Iona, my family in Long Island experienced extensive flooding, and power was lost everywhere. My house in Long Island hasn't had power for over 4 days. Thankfully, New Rochelle didn't get the worst of Irene. The Hurricane was a category 3 while passing through the Bahamas, and lowered to a category 1 in the United States. Regardless, the hurricane took the lives of at least 54 people, and caused widespread destruction. The United States estimates a total of $7 billion in damages. 

New York takes serious precautions for Hurricane Irene